A woman's cold vs a man's cold

Posted by Unknown on 11:43 AM in , , , ,

 There are a lot of women including myself that when we go trough a cold we just simply have to deal with it and move on withour daily duties. We need to be tough and be awake early to make breakfast, get the kids ready to go to school, pack lunch for husband and manage to be on time and on top of everything. OK. so our son is in school and husband is already working and now you are home a lone with your cold what do you do now? a lot of people would say well rest and get better. Well i wish i could do that, but in my case I simply can't go back to bed I am pregnant with a cold and now I'm hungry so i have to make something to eat for myself. As soon as i get home i turn the TV on, eat and during commercials start cleaning the house. House is clean now i have to prep lunch. After lunch is ready i have to take a shower and somewhat look decent and not look like i just woke up and I'm really sick. I do believe that if you think you are sick you will never get better. The mind is very powerful so i have to make sure i make my homemade teas that are safe for me to take since I'm pregnant and i don't want to take any medicine that will affect my baby's health.
As of right now we only have one working vehicle so i wait for my husband to call me and i goto pick him up and serve him lunch. then i go to pick him up and we eat lunch together. 1 hour later you see me dropping him off at his work. luckily his work is only 5 mins. away. After dropping him off is time to pick up my son. So i head to school or check my grocery list and if i need something i quickly buy what i need and then pick up my son. Back to the house, now is time to give a snack to my son i asked him how his day was and give him some time to rest before we get started on homework. While he is resting now i have to prep dinner. So I'm prepping dinner and my son is getting out of his room every 5 mins. to ask me something  or share something on his mind. oops i forgot to feed our dog, so now i go downstairs to feed chico and give him fresh water. Now i have to check my notebook on my to do list. Dinner is prep now time to do homework with my son which it could vary it could take between 20 mins-1 hour. homework is done now time to feed my son. after he is done eating then is quality time with him. So we play a game together and that could take about 1 hour. OK now what? well it seems i have about 1 to 2 hours before husband gets out. so That's my time to relax or do my diy's, check what's new on fb, eat a snack and answer like 100 questions that my 6 year old might have.
Now is time to pick up my husband. 6pm he is out and we are ready to head home. Serve dinner, we all eat together,  asked how his day was.He plays his xbox game maybe for like 15-30 mins. then we watch a show together then is time to get shower ready for my son. now it's 8pm and I'm ready to go to bed but we manage to watch another show and head to bed. now if I'm sick  I will make my tea again and head to bed. I'm not even going to try to look sexy or cute in bed. After 3 home cook meals, driving around, cleaning the house and washed dishes 3 times a day, then i realize my day is over. I did a lot and nothing at the same time. :-/. but compare to a guy having a cold. they would pretty much wine all day and lay in bed like if it's the end of the world. And we have to pamper them just like a kid. no matter what you do they will complained about everything and probably sleep all day if they could. But us women we all have different tasks that we have to do it and we simply manage to do it. We are the stronger sex no matter what any guy says. and just having a cold it's the perfect example. Is your situation the same as mine? If not i would love to hear about it.


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